Where to today: Lukla (2,820m) --> Kathmandu
Where are we sleeping: Kathmandu
How do we get there: Small plane
Our flight from Lukla to Kathmandu was originally scheduled for 10:30am. However somehow our flight was changed to an earlier time of 8:30am. We only learned later on that this earlier flight was a result of Dorchi's handy work. He was drinking whisky with the airline office managers till the early hours of the morning, and sweet talking them to put us on an earlier flight, and kick off the other original passengers. I'm so glad we have Dorchi on our side, but at the same time I feel sorry for the other passengers who may have in fact not been able to fly out of Lukla today.
Whilst waiting outside the airport for our flight to arrive there were hundreds of Nepali people gathered around the arrivals section. Today is the beginning of the Tourism Festival. So every tourist that arrived at Lukla Airport and stepped off a plane was being warmly welcomed, and a golden coloured scarf placed around their neck. International guests were also arriving for the festival. I was glad to be flying out of Lukla as things were beginning to get too noisy and crowded.

Tourists being welcomed at Lukla Airport

Taking some photos whilst waiting for our plane to arrive
Shortly before 8:30am we headed through into the departures lounge. The "lounge" was basically a room, smaller than a school classroom, with a few chairs. I would not like to be stuck in that room for more than an hour! Luckily we only had to wait for about 30 minutes before our plane arrived, and we quickly boarded. It was the quickest boarding and departure I've ever experienced! It took less than 10 minutes from the time we walked out onto the runway to our plane, till the plane's tyres left the runway. The take off down the sloped runway was quite a scary experience. My heart was beating so fast as it felt like we were on a roller coaster ride. I was happy though! We were finally leaving the mountains!
We arrived in Kathmandu after 45 minutes, and I was even more relieved. We had officially returned to "civilisation". Driving in the van out of the airport towards our hotel, I could instantly see and feel the difference in the air quality. At that point I actually started to miss the mountains, and the clean, pure air. Kathmandu feels so dirty and polluted. I would not be able to live here for more than 1 week.
After dropping our luggage at our hotel, Sacred Inn, we made a quick stop at Marvel office, where were were presented with lovely certificates from Dorchi. I will definitely be framing this certificate when I get home! We then headed out for lunch at a Japanese restaurant. The food was absolutely delicious- the best meal we had eaten in 2 weeks!
After lunch all of us including Dorchi headed out for a spot of shopping. I wanted to buy a dress but couldn't find one that I liked. I bought a beautiful wooden jewellery box for Mum though for 900 rupees. It's carved from walnut wood. Josh and Matt bought hacky sacks for 25 rupees (less than $0.40AUD), and Bobby bought 3 cashmere and pashmina scarves.
After a short afternoon nap we all headed out (me, Ben, Josh, Matt, Bobby and Dorchi), for dinner at the 'Bamboo Club'. It was a nice rooftop bar/restaurant in the middle of the city. I had mutton curry rice, Ben had steak, Bobby and Dorchi had Nepali food, and Matt and Josh ate Mexican food. The boys also started having whisky rounds before we headed out to hit it off at a Nepali dance club.

Dinner at the Bambu Club, Kathmandu
At the dance club, the boys (minus Ben), continued to drink whisky shots and were starting to giggle like little school girls. Dorchi then dragged us all up on the dance floor and we found it so hilarious to copy the Nepalese dancers' moves and also make up our own moves. I have no doubt that people were watching us making a fool of ourselves, and were shaking their heads. We didn't care though- we were having too much fun.
Seeing Dorchi and his dance moves was a sight that made me laugh. He didn't have a care in the world as he shook his hips, waved his arms in the air- all the while having a huge grin plastered on this face. Dorchi sure knows how to party.

Dorchi dancing while we all rest
Throughout the night, Dorchi, Matt, Bobby and Josh continued to order and drink whisky. Their dancing got sloppier, their conversations making less sense and becoming louder, and their walks to and from the toilet and dance floor much more wobbly. I was just shaking my head and laughing. The boys obviously wanted to end this Nepal trip with a bang! After about 2-3 hours at the dance club, we decided to make our way home. Unfortunately the consequences of drinking too much whisky caught up with Matt and Bobby and they were sick on the way home! Was a very interesting and dramatic way to end our Everest Journey.
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